
  • Ольга Владига Львівське вище професійне училище комп'ютерних технологій та будівництва, Ukraine



M. Hrushevsky, archeography, personal sources, documents of official origin.


The article is devoted to source analysis of the problem «Hrushevsky-archeographer». It was discovered that the archeological heritage of M. Hrushevsky was the subject of independent analysis in the works of I. Girich, M. Kapral, V. Telvak, V. Pedych, O. Vladyga. Instead, an independent source study analysis of the problem «Hrushevsky-archeographer» is absent among the scientific works today. The purpose of the paper is to scrutinize sources, the information potential of which allows the reconstruction of the archeological heritage of M. Hrushevsky. It is proposed to distinguish three main source complexes: 1) a specific text of the historian, which includes author's works characterizing M. Hrushevsky as an archaeographer; 2) «great text» - all set of notes written by the pen of the historian; 3) «historical and cultural context» - a collection of materials describing the era and conditions of archeological activity of the scientist. The published and archived segment of each source system is noted. The first set of sources, the most important one, could be split into several types: conceptual archaeological publications; published documentary texts; articles of source nature, fundamental scientific works, informational reports on the activities of archaeological institutions; prefaces to archaeological publications, generalizing historiographic works, reviews and critical materials. Sources of the second and third complexes are classified according to the nature of information (creative, normative and scientific-organizational), content (documentary and narrative), depending on origin (official and personal) and the form of existence (published and archived).It has been emphasized on the special importance of studying the archaeological activity of a historian on the basis of diaries, memoirs and epistolary documents. The conclusion states that available sources are sufficient for the reconstruction of the archaeological heritage of the scientist. The source lacunae of the problem «Hrushevsky-archeographer» has been outlined.


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